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Championships Held:

Wrestler: Stephanie McMahon
Real Name: Stephanie Marie McMahon
Birthday: September 24, 1976
Hometown: Stamford, Connecticut
Moved to New York City

Marital Status: Married to Triple H
Height & Weight: 5'9" - 135 lbs

Trained by: WWE
Debut: 1999

Former "Owner" of ECW

Previous Gimmicks: Creature of the Night
Stephanie McMahon-Helmsly
Mrs. Game
Billion Dollar Princess
Finishing Move:
Favorite Moves: Slap

Notable Feuds:
Linda McMahon
Mick Foley
Shane McMahon
Trish Stratus
Steve Austin
Vince McMahon
Team WWF
Chris Jericho
Triple H
Randy Orton