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Championships Held:


Wrestler: Molly Holly / Mighty Molly
Real Name: Nora Kristina Greenwald
Birthday: September 7, 1977
Hometown: Grew up in Linwood Township, Minnesota
Moved to Forest Lake, Minnesota
Lived in Florida (with in WWE)
Moved to Wyoming, Minnesota

Height & Weight: 5'4" - 140 lbs.

Trained by: Tim Mahoney
Mike Haynor
Malia Hosaka
Dean Malenko
The Power Plant
Tracy Smothers
Fit Finlay
Debut: 1997

Previous Gimmicks: Starla Sexton
Miss Madness
Mighty Molly

Finishing Move: Twin City Twister (Deathlock Surfboard Pin)
The Molly-Go-Round

Favorite Moves: The Hurricanrana
Bridging Northern Lights Suplex
Missile Dropkick
Double Handspring Back Elbow Smash
Arm Wringer
Twin City Twister
Double Wrist Clutch Pin
Indian Death Lock
Double Wrist Clutch

Notable Feuds:
Crash Holly
Trish Stratus