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Championships Held:

Won this title her first night in the WWE.

*also held the women's title in TNA for a short time*
Wrestler: Gail Kim
Real Name: Gail Kim
Birthday: February 20, 1976
Hometown: Orginally from Toronto, ONT
Moved to Tampa, Florida
Billed from Korea (WWE)

Height & Weight: 5'4" - 125 lbs

Trained by: Ron Hutchinson
Rob "El Fuego" Etchevarria
The Squared Circle
Fit Finlay

Debut: December 2000
Previous Gimmicks: La Felina

Finishing Move:
Hurricanrana into a pin.
Christo (Head Scissor/Armbar combo)
Happy Ending (Japanese Stranglehold neckbreaker)
Favorite Moves: Arm Drag off the rope
Top Rope Leg Drop
Dragon Sleeper
Toronto Slam
Stretch Muffler
Missile Sitout Dropkick

Notable Feuds: Tracy Brooks
Trish Stratus
Jackie Gayda (TNA)
Sirelda (TNA)
LAX w/Konnan
Jackie Moore (TNA)
Tracy Brooks (TNA)
Awesome Kong (TNA)
Angelina Love (TNA)
Velvet Sky (TNA)