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Championships Held:

Wrestler: Beth "The Glamazon" Phoenix
Real Name: Elizabeth Kocanski
Birthday: November 24, 1980
Hometown: Originally Elmira, New York
Moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma
Moved to Louisville, Kentucky

Height & Weight: 5'7" - 150 lbs

Trained by: Ron Hutchison
Debut: May 2001
Previous Gimmicks: Fabulous Firebird

Finishing Move: Down in Flames (Modified Michinoku Driver)
Delayed Cradle Suplex
The Chokebomb

Favorite Moves: Gorilla Press Slam
Texas Cloverleaf
Missile Dropkick
Chickenwing Lift Throw
Slingshot Suplex

Notable Feuds:
Katie "The Kat" Lea
Candice Michelle
Mickie James
Kelly Kelly
Melina Perez